the old little woman

Friday, June 09, 2006

Cabbing it

I cant get a cab
Cab drivers in Singapore. I think they have a reputation. They are not the most polite drivers. They hide behind bushes on rainy days or at 11.30pm at night. And you wonder: where are the 35,000 cabs in Singapore?

They complain
The drivers talk to you about everything under their sun - the Government, elections, diesel prices, ERP, bad business etc etc. They talk like they are writing to the ST forum. Sure, life is tough and being a cab driver might not an ideal career choice. But hey, so probably are the uncles and aunties cleaning tables in the food courts. You dont see them bitching to customers having lunch?

They drive dangerously
Is it the nature of work, driving 10 - 12 hours a day that made them so irritating and irritable? Is it because the money is not good, so they cut lanes and cut corners? There are worse paying jobs around with more shitty environments. So, take it out on their own lives, and others?

A special case
I was out running errands. It was drizzling and not surprisingly I couldnt get a cab. After some waiting, walking cursing and praying, I eventually got one.

Three very elderly folks alighted and I heard the cab driver saying "bye and good day" very cheerfully to them. The moment I closed the door and gave my destination, he said "You know, miss. Whenever possible, I try not to pick up elderly passengers. When they reach their destinations, they always tell me they have no money and ask for discount on the cab fare!"

Based on the theory of selective listening, the first reaction in my head was "What?! Avoid picking up elderly passengers? You gonna leave waiting by the roadside until the cows come home?"

I heard the ask-for-discount bit moments later.

Well, I didnt think it would be appropriate to ask if it were a $3 or $0.30 discount. I dont really (like to) talk cab drivers...

Most of us might have no problem giving up our queue to an elderly man, or helping an old granny get cross the road. But to give a discount on cab fare? Is it fair? Well, you have to understand that taking a cab is quite different from purchasing an FMCG or medical item that people need, to survive. In this country, I believe senior citizens have already been accorded a certain amount of privilege. Taking a cab is in a way a form of luxury; so, privilege on top of luxury just because of age? Is it acceptable to abuse the "senior citizen" status? Isnt charity is something thats given, not asked for?

Cab drivers, yes it's not an easy job. But please dont take it out on us.


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