the old little woman

Monday, October 23, 2006

I miss ST Interactive.... The free version I mean

Coming in to work today was a bad mistake. It’s not a get-things-done day. I actually took the morning off. Ang why the hell did I take the morning off (afternoon back to office) on a Monday, with the next day being a public holiday? Dont ask...

I read an interesting article by Colin Goh yesterday on Sunday Life!. His article was coincidentally, featured next to Sumiko Tan, who made an interesting observation on the importance of branding, on shopping bags - for consumers. That's another story..

Anyways… Colin wrote about how Singaporeans love to give their 2 cents’ worth, regardless if an opinion was asked for.

“You went for prawn noodles at katong? But I heard the one at tiong bahru is nicer!”

“You are taking the business course at murdoch? I think UWA’s syballus are better…”

He didnt use the exact examples. But oh, I could so imagine a million and one scenarios in my head...

Is it a singaporean thing? Or is it also perhaps, something practised by irritating idiots across all races and cultures? Maybe there’s a little bit of that in everyone, but reading about it just blew this thing out of proportion and perspective. I hope I don’t do that… often; it’s disgusting… Well, unless I'm talking to someone who wants to take a bus from changi to jurong. Then it’s pretty ok to let him know that the MRT might be faster.

Well it goes the other way too. Like, “it’s a beautiful mercedes; 3.2 ya? how much was the roadtax? My toyota’s at 1.6 and it’s already killing me…”

Looking at it again, it’s the same. It’s about reassuring yourself that you made the right choice, by highlighting others’ ‘inferior’ choices…

*SIGH*... I'm just making an observation on someone else's observation. I have nothing much to say...


Blogger cryssstal said...

And my observation about your observation about someone else's observation is that YAH TRUE. It's a Singaporean thing and you have made me realise to check and double check myself that I dont do that to people. And we should just take time and listen to others, appreciate their thoughts and just smile. OOPS I've totally been doing that havent I? Thats what leaving a COMMENT is all about isnt it? Super double irony. Eeks!

6:50 am  

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