the old little woman

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I have not blogged for over a year and I just found out I have ONE reader!!

For the sake of this reader, here's a re-start...

It's been more than a year. I dont even remember my password to blogspot! Lucky these days websites have wonderful tech support - lose anything also can retrieve...

I dont remember a lot of things. A friend told me that alcohol kills brain cells. Yes, my name is Jeanne and I am an alcoholic.

I need to elaborate: alcohol kills brain cells. Does that mean the quality of my thought processes is compromised? Cant be what, lotsa rich bankers and traders drink alcohol like water and they still have the capacity to perform at work. But wait, now financial markets going down. The causes of it pointed to the directions of, for lack of a better word - "let's do things the simpler way" attitude. Revelation - Jeanne made a groundbreaking discovery; she found out that because bankers and traders drink too much, it screwed up their brain cells, as a result they made irrational decisions, and that led to the economic crisis... WOW!

I'm gonna have some free time pretty soon and I hope I have the discipline to update over 365 days of back-dated rambling. Even if I have a following, I think people would be more interested to read about the warp things that go through my mind than to know how many points I redeemed from the UOB ladies card this month. See, the blog is not for day-to-day updates. It's a channel to air my thoughts.


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