the old little woman

Friday, July 07, 2006

feeling it and saying it

"Oops that didnt come out right".

Was it because you might hurt or have already hurt someone else's feelings? Or was it a genuine case of wrong choice of words? By "taking back" what you said, did it change how you actually felt?

Most of the time, no.

The difference between:
"What, it took you 3 hours to get here cos your dog pee'd in the prada boutique and you have to phone your maid down to clean up, then try on every dress on the shelf to buy something so that the sales manager wont ban you from the shop??"
"I dont appreciate being kept waiting each time we go out. Please try to work out something between the meeting time which we agreed on, and the meeting time that is actually registered in your head."

Sorry it's me; that has to be some form of sarcasm in whatever political statements I make.

It's a different way of putting forth a point, but it doesnt change how you feel. You are pissed . Very pissed. Whether it's the courtesy of a reminder or screwing the person right out, the fact remains. For that matter, even if you remove that irresponsible friend from your life temporarily or give her the benefit of the doubt for the last time, it doesnt change the truth that you are angry.

Feelings subside, however you might have reacted at that immediate moment.

It is difficult to weigh the consequences on satisfying a selfish outburst which you are entitled to. Sometimes that selfish outburst solves the problem more quickly.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

how much is enough?

Whenever I go to my doctor or beautician, this will be part of the consultation analysis "you dont have enough sleep, do you? You havent been resting well, have you? That explains the breakout / eyebags / throat inflammation / indigestion / headache".

Who in this world at this age enjoys a full 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep everyday?

No one! Ok... Few.

I'll tell you why.

Even if we knock off at 6pm sharp, we would be out enjoying happy hour.
Not an alcoholic? Go shopping - for anything from clothes to groceries to toiletries to furniture to books...
Dont feel like shopping? Go catch a movie.
No good movies? Rent some DVDs (and watch them over and over again).
Sick of DVDs? Surf the net or chat online.
No one online? Spend some time with your parents.
Not a suitable day to go through hours of nagging or questioning? Check your mobile phones and contact someone whom you havent seen in a while.

The list goes on; there are so many things to do. Why not a combination of some of the above?

We are such busy people. We want to live life to the fullest. Sleep is for the dead, why waste time on that. We will get plenty of sleep after we die.


Really really?

What is wrong with this aspect of life? Man invents all these entertainment and promotes all kinds of communication and with everything else that has pretty much evolved, our sleep requirements doesnt change. We need rest, we need sleep.

Did I hear time management? Cut it out!!

There's gotta be a solution for this. Doesnt everything come with a manual? When will the sleep machine be out in the market?